Me….. A teacher?!?! {our homeschool journey} Sit for a spell

Hi there friend!  We are entering in to an uncharted territory called homeschooling.  If anyone even mentioned the thought to me, my immediate response was, “oh heck no!”  Never EVER had I thought I would even consider this.  Well, the Lord has plans that we do not always understand and He absolutely has a way with changing our thoughts and hearts.

In June, after I had already reenrolled our girls at our beloved Christian School that we had attended for 7 years {and I graduated from}, we decided to homeschool.  Yep, I became one of THOSE.  THOSE people that I always perceived as a little odd.  They didn’t have socialization!  They are weird!  Do you know their parents?  They don’t have a degree in teaching!  How are those kids going to add and read?!  Yep, this was my skewed perception.  And I truly believed it!  God has a sense of humor doesn’t he?  I am now PROUDLY one of THOSE.  And “those” are not bad at all.

I have never felt so unequipped and overwhelmed as I have the past month while searching for curriculum.  A sweet friend who is a teacher shared this profound statement with me today: “It is such a joy and a privilege to be entrusted with these students year after year but it also comes with the pressure of “am I enough?”.  And the answer is that we are not enough but He is.”

Wow.  You know, in every area of life, we are not enough.  We try everything in our power as a mom, wife, daughter, teacher, etc and exhaust ourselves all while coming up short.  But friend, if we just trust God and let him be enough, He will guide us and comfort us.  God gave me this tug to homeschool my sweet girls.  He is going to lead me through this and I am just going to have to trust him every step of the way.

The good news is, after praying, pleading, chatting with my sweet homeschool friends, and reading HOURS of blogs, I have nailed down a plan.  AND I feel like I’ve clicked into a teacher mode!  My interior design instincts are still VERY present {since one of our first assignments is building a lemonade stand} but I’m learning and listening and reading a lot these days.

We are for sure entering into a whole new season with a new blog, business, AND homeschooling, so, I hope you will be here beside us.  You will get to see us stumble, learn, and hopefully succeed along the way!

many blessings